Friday, May 28, 2010

Session 9

Session 9

- Discussed about computer crimes


Computer fraud can be defined as the use of a computer to gain unauthorized access to information or perform activities with the explicit goal of gaining material goods at the expense of others through criminal means. While fraud has been around since the advent of humanity, computer fraud is a relatively recent phenomenon, and since computers are so ubiquitous in the everyday lives of most of us, we are all exposed to its dangers to some degree.

Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement (or copyright violation) is the unauthorized or prohibited use of works covered by copyright law, in a way that violates one of the copyright owner's exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works.


There a lot of types of thefts with the usage of computer.The most common among all are identity theft. Identity theft is a term used that is to refer to fraud that involves someone pretending to be someone else in order to steal money or get other benefits.


Computer attacks is the attacks towards a computer by physically or by using another computer.Viruses is common to attack computers.Damaging a computer physically is damaging the computer by hitting or throwing it.

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