Friday, May 28, 2010

Session 12

Session 12

- Given tips for incoming exam

- Discussed about Authentication and Verification methods

Authentication is a process where users verify that they are who they say they are.The users who attempt to peform functions in a system is in fact users who is authorized to do so.Methods of authentication are biometric device and callback system.
Verification, in engineering or quality management systems, it is the act of reviewing, inspecting or testing, in order to establish and document that a product, service or system meets regulatory or technical standards. By contrast, validation refers to meeting the needs of the intended end-user or customer. Verification (spaceflight), in the space systems engineering area, covers the processes of qualification and acceptance Verification theory, philosophical theory relating the meaning of a statement to how it is verified .Third-party verification, use of an independent organization to verify the identity of a customer.

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