Monday, May 3, 2010

ICT Diary 2010 Session 1 to 20

ICT Diary 2010




1 Introduction to ICT 12.1.2010

ICT :- Information Communication and Technology

ICT also known as information and communications technology is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning.ICT are the technologies used in the conveying, manipulation and storage of data by electronic means.

2 Usage for the internet 14.1.2010

- Pusat Akses (Ascess Room) in school

- Computer Lab in school

- Personal computer at home

3 Learning Outcomes and Specifications 19.1.2010

Form 4 Learning Outcomes and Specifications

a)Information and Communication Technology and Society

b)Computer Systems

c)Computer Networks and Communications

Form 5 Learning Outcomes and Specifications

a)Multimedia – Toolbook Assistant

b)Programming – Visual Basics

c)Information Systems

4 Definition of ICT 23.1.2010


- Important to gain knowledge

Tools that transmit ICT are




5 Services of Internet 25.1.2010

1.Worldwide web



4.Mailing List


6.FTP = File Transfer Protocol

7.Telnet = Remote log in

6 Usage of computer NO.5 28.1.2010

- Signed up for net class.

- Posted links about the five generation of computers.

- Searched for information about learning outcomes.

- Went to Youtube.

7 Computer Ethics and Legal Issues 2.2.2010

- Guidelines on the e-mail and the internet usage

- Unethical computer code of conducts

- Ethics refers to a standard of moral guidelines that is used to determine proper behaviour

8 Authentication 4.2.2010

Authentication is the act of establishing or confirming something (or someone) as authentic, that is, that claims made by or about the subject are true. This might involve confirming the identity of a person, tracing the origins of an artifact, ensuring that a product is what its packaging and labeling claims to be, or assuring that a computer program is a trusted one.

9 Computer Crimes 9.2.2010

- Fraud

- Copyright Infringment

- Theft

- Attacks

10 Computer Security 11.2.2010

o Hardware Security

o Software Security/Data Security

o Network Security

11 Assignment 23.2.2010

Download Hardcopy Pro

12 Antivirus 9.3.2010

Antivirus Programs

- Panda Internet Security

- Avira Antivirus

- AVG Antivirus

- Norton Antivirus

13 Malicious Code 11.3.2010

- Virus

- Spyware

- Logic Bomb

- Trojan Horse

14 Input and Output Devices 23.3.2010

Input devices

Send data by :-

- Typing Keyboard

- Use microphone

- Click Mouse

- Webcam

Output Devices

Receive data by :-

- Monitor

- Speaker

- Printer

15 Assignments 8.4.2010

o Send Lesson Plans 05 – 09 before the next day

o Do correction for the exam

o Do Learning Outcomes 05

o Download Learning Module – PC Assembling

o Go through lesson plans 06 - 09

16 Malaysia – Australia Conferencing 14.4.2010

17 Assignments 16.4.2010

o Proceeded with learning outcomes 05

o Send teacher learning outcomes

18 Malaysia – Australia Conferencing 20.4.2010

19 PC Assembling 22.4.2010

20 Malaysia – Australia Conferencing 28.4.2010

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