Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Session 64

Session 64

Discussed about data types

Data types


Integer (Number)

Integer data type contains any whole number value that does not have any frictional part.

Examples:Age,Mark and Temperature. 17,85 and -5

Double (Number)

Double data types contains any decimal number value that has a frictional part.

Examples:Wages,Fees and Weight

Rm 3500.45,RM 33.00,33.3 kg

String (Text)

String data type contains a sequence of character.

Examples:Name,Address and IC number.

Ahmad,Jalan 2 Taman Permata,452353-11-2342

Boolean (Logical Value)

Boolean data type contains either a true or false value.

Examples:Paid(school fee),Result,Passed and Married(Marital Status)

If not Paid then msgbox(“Please pay immeaditely)

If Passed then msgbox(“good”)


Date data type contains date and time value.

Examples:DOB,Date of payment,Time

7/8/91,2-Spet-2007,12:24 AM

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